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Trash & Recycling

Loudoun County has launched a pilot glass recycling program. See the RECYCLING section for more information. 
No plastic bags allowed for yard waste. Please use either compostable paper bags or a customer owned toter, labeled as YARD DEBRIS ONLY, for grass clippings and leaves. See YARD WASTE/COMPOST section for more information.
YARD WASTE - Don't Throw It Into The Woods
Do not dispose of yard waste on common area, including wooded common areas. Yard waste is picked up every Monday.
Our trash and recycling contractor is Republic Services. Please contact Republic for all trash concerns or questions: AVCAtrash@republicservices.com.
  • Trash is picked up on Mondays & Thursdays each week
  • Yard Waste is collected on Mondays (March-December)
  • Recycling is collected on Thursdays
  • Large household items can be picked up Mondays at an additional charge by contacting Republic at AVCAtrash@republicservices.com.  
Please remember that all pickups are curbside in front of each townhome or single family home. Containers, toters, yard waste, etc. may not be placed at mailbox or parking islands. All trash and recycling may be placed at curbside after 5:00pm the night before pick-up. Toters and other trash and recycling containers must be removed after pick-up on pick-up days. All trash bags must be placed inside a trash can.
While pick-up times are set by the Association, it is important to understand that the handling of recycling, trash, and yard waste are driven by federal, state and county regulations, which apply both to the Association and to our trash and recycling contractor. Intermingling trash, yard waste, and recycling can lead to penalties against the contractor which in turn lead to higher costs for the Association. The driver of the truck must be able to readily distinguish between the three types - recycling, trash, yard waste.
A note about missing containers: If your trash container was tagged and then removed by the Association because it was deemed abandoned, you may be able to retrieve it from the AVCA office for a limited time before it is discarded. We do not deliver these back to the property.  If your container is lost or stolen, Republic Services will provide a replacement at the resident's cost.  In the case of damaged containers, Republic will replace it at no charge.

Republic Services provides one trash toter per property. Alternately, you may use any toter or container that you have purchased. Republic will not pick up trash in containers marked with other companies. If you are having issues with your Republic toter or require a new one, please contact Republic at AVCAtrash@republicservices.com. Please provide your full name, full address city and zip, HOA name (AVCA), cell #, nature of request, and picture of broken trash or recycle toter.
All trash must be placed in trash receptacles per the AVCA Architectural and Environmental Guidelines and Loudoun County Ordinance - Waste Management Plan. This helps keep the trash away from the vultures and other scavengers and keeps Ashburn Village beautiful.
Our trash service provider, Republic Services, has updated their guidance on how to dispose of large household items, such as old furniture, appliances or other heavy objects. 
Large household items are any items weighing more than 50 pounds or longer than 4 feet in length, and only the items listed below under ALLOWED will be picked up by Republic Services.
Please call 703-818-8222 to preschedule a pickup for large items. Pickups of large items are only scheduled for MONDAYS. There is an $85 fee for bulk items. Please provide a telephone number when scheduling. Also, please do not place your large items out for pickup until you receive confirmation of your pickup date from Republic Services.
Bulk Items List for Trash Collection   

Republic Services provides one recycling toter per property. Ashburn Village participates in Single Stream Recycling, which means that all acceptable recyclables can be mixed in one container. Republic Services delivers all recycling to a sortation company, which then breaks it down further into the various classes for processing.
Please use the recycling containers provided by Republic. If you require new ones or have issues with your current one, contact Republic  at AVCAtrash@republicservices.com.
What Can Be Recycled in Ashburn Village? 
The following is a list of ACCEPTABLE materials that can be placed in your recycling container:
  • Plastic Containers labeled #1-7 (slightly rinsed)
  • Metal Cans, Aluminum Foil and Aluminum Foil Pans (rinsed if needed)
  • Non-hazardous aerosol cans (ex:  cooking spray, shaving cream, cleaning sprays)
  • Cardboard, Newspaper, Magazines
  • Hardcover and Paperback Books (Donate if still in good condition)
  • Paper (white and colored printer paper with or without ink, window envelopes, or any type of paper insert, junk mail, shredded paper should be put in a paper bag)
  • Paper Food Containers (juice boxes, egg, ice cream and milk cartons, cereal and pasta boxes)
  • Glass (clear and colored glass, slightly rinsed)  Glass is difficult to process and attaches to and down-grades other materials at the recycling facility. Loudoun County has launched a pilot glass recycling program. Recycling companies in Loudoun County are still required to accept glass, but are encouraging everyone to recycle glass through the County program.
The following is a list of UNACCEPTABLE materials that can not be placed in your recycling container:
  • Appliances
  • Batteries
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Ceramics (can typically be recycled at a construction debris facility)
  • Christmas Lights
  • Clothing (donate to charity or a thrift store)
  • Coat Hangers
  • Electrical Cords
  • Food Waste
  • Garden Hoses
  • Glassware (drinking glasses, etc.)
  • Light Bulbs
  • Metal Pots & Pans (take to a scrap yard)
  • Plastic Bags
    Rubber Balls
    Sports Equipment
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Styrofoam (#6 Polystyrene - Styrofoam cups, take-out containers)
  • Syringes/Razor Blades
  • Tires
  • Used Paper Plates, Cups & Napkins (typically covered in food residue, which contaminates the recycling process)
  • Waxed Cartons
  • Wood/Yard Waste
How to Recycle UNACCEPTABLE Items
The Loudoun County website has information for county residents on how to recycle Appliances (metal), Batteries, Computers/TVs/Electronics, Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Mercury Thermometers and Thermostats, Scrap Metals, Motor Oil, Antifreeze, Tires and more.
Residents must use compostable paper bags or a customer owned toter, labeled as YARD DEBRIS ONLY, for grass clippings and leaves. Weekly removal of up to ten (10) individual bags or bundles. Brush must be limited to individual pieces or bundles of no greater than fifty (50) pounds in weight, four (4) feet in length, and no piece larger than six (6) inches in diameter. Bundle them together with string or rope, so that they can be more readily collected. Republic Services will not pick up yard waste that is not contained properly.
Yard waste does not include any materials arising from tree removal, land clearing, or development activities (i.e.- hired landscaping contractors).  
Compostable bags and toters can be found at local warehouse stores.

Prohibited items that will not be picked up include, but are not limited to: dead animals, oil, paint, stains, batteries, construction and remodeling materials, manure, tree stumps, mulch, soil, dirt, stone, rocks, cement, bricks, poisons, acids, caustics, explosives or other similar materials. These items must be taken to the Loudoun County Landfill - www.loudoun.gov. Check to make sure that they will accept the materials you plan to leave.

Republic Services will provide services on all holidays that fall on regularly-scheduled pickup days with the exception of Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and  New Year's Day.

* Residents of Ashburn Meadows Apartments, Saddleridge Apartments, Wingler House, Lakeshore Condominiums and Fours Season Condominiums have trash & recycling services provided through their management companies.