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Weekly Updates

Friday Updates and Information - March 25, 2022
Posted on March 25, 2022 4:00 PM by AVCA Management
Virtual Racquet Steering Committee Meeting - Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 12pm
Virtual Ad-Hoc Landscape Committee - Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 6pm
Virtual AERC Meeting - Thursday, April 7, 2022, 6pm (deadline for applications 4/1 at 5PM)
Virtual Events Committee Meeting - Monday, April 11, 2022, 5 PM
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting - Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 6 PM
The management team is excited for spring and we have a lot of improvements planned to keep Ashburn Village beautiful:
  • Painting our two tunnels that run under Ashburn Village Blvd to connect to Ashburn Elementary and Dominion Trail Elementary.
  • Changing all wooden sign posts to square metal posts.
  • Replace all original wooden bridges with composite materials.
  • Replace commercial trash enclosures at the Mills and Pavilion.
  • Repaint Fire Lanes.
  • Number all light poles.
  • Install fishing line recycling containers at our lakes.
  • Build a new dog park adjacent to Fincastle Field.
  • Epoxy coating to make the sports pavilion floor slip-resistant.
The following are the decisions that the Board of Directors made at the March meeting:
  • Support VDOT's plan to add bike lanes to Christiana Drive.
  • Approve revised AERC Guidelines.
  • Approve additional footpaths at Ashburn Lake (see attached map).
  • Approve conversion of two tennis courts to permanent pickleball courts. Location to be determined.
  • Approve painting of the sports pavilion ceiling.
  • Approve replacing six exercise bikes.
The Architectural and Environmental Guidelines document has been updated and was approved by the Board of Directors at their March meeting. The updated guidelines can be found on the Ashburn Village website under the Documents & Forms tab > Exterior Modifications.
Sections that have been modified: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Suggested Concrete Colors, Decks – Single Family Home and Townhome, Gardens (Flower, Decorative, Veg & Fruit), Landscaping/Edging & Borders, Permanent Shade Structures & Sails, Rain Barrels, Temporary Structures/Pop Up Tents
Annual reviews have begun. It's a good time of year to walk your property. Please remember to put your trash cans away promptly and thank you for maintaining your home.
Streets completed this week: Altavista, Blue Water, Bristow, Broadnax, Camptown, Catlett, Chatham, Grottoes, Harmony, Mustoe
Prepared tennis courts: numbered courts, put up reservation signs, put brooms and rollers at tennis courts 
Installed new water fountain at Lakes pool
Trimmed branches at Fincastle dog park, removed branches behind Crofton
Installed new light in dock gazebo, put cement around damaged light pole base 
Repaired playground behind Cardiff
Hiring Lifeguards for Summer 2022
Saturday, March 26th
1 PM to 1:30 PM
Zoom Info HERE.
Free American Red Cross Training
Flexible Hours
Competitive Pay
Holidays Weekend Bonus: Up to $150
Referral Bonus: $100
Early sign-on bonus: $75
Sunday 3/28 is the last day to Register for The Spring Fling! Register HERE for the Ashburn Village Spring Fling on April 2nd. The event is free for Ashburn Village Residents - registration is REQUIRED by March 28th. For more information on the event visit ashburnvillage.org/events. 
Calling all Runners! Registration is now open for the Ashburn Village Fiesta 5K/10K! All proceeds benefit Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter. REGISTER HERE before prices increase on April 1st.
Monday-Friday from 8 am-6 pm April 11th-15th
Ages 5-12 years old
Camp Fees: Member $50 for first child $45 for siblings per day
*20% off if you sign up for ALL 5 days
Looking for a Summer Camp for your children? You’re in luck! Rise Camp enrollment is NOW open for Village Residents. All information can be found HERE on the Ashburn Village website. How to enroll for Camp? Please email Youth Program Director, Erin May at emay@ashburnvillage.org and you will set up an appointment to go over all paperwork before enrolling.
Tennis Court Reservations
Tennis courts at The Lakes, The Woods and The Mills are NOW able to be reserved for FREE up to 7 days in advance by Ashburn Village Residents only. Court 1 at all locations will be available first come first serve. Reservations may only be made online using the online platform HERE. If you don’t have a log in, please email avsp@ashburnvillage.org for assistance. If you are playing and someone arrives who has a reservation, we ask that you please vacate the court. When reserving the court, please save your emailed confirmation as proof which can be shown in the case of residents playing on the court.
On Tuesday the BOD approved the replacement of our Matrix recumbent and upright bikes. We have ordered 6 new Life Fitness Integrity Series bikes, due to supply chain demands they won't be delivered until Fall or Winter, please stay tuned! 
Did you know that AAG, the management company for AVSP awards two $1,000 scholarship to graduating BRHS seniors? For more information or to apply please visit the guidance office and ask for details or email avsp@ashburnvillage.org.
Want to run a 5K race but unsure about how to start? AVSP’s Couch to 5K training program will have you ready in just 4 weeks! Training program begins April 9th and the fee of $100 includes Race Day Registration. Register at ashburnvillage.org or email mmorton@ashburnvillage.org.
Golf Strength Training Clinic! Challenge your physical abilities while improving your golf game! In this 1-hour clinic led by Golf Fitness Specialist, Mackenzie Morton, you will learn exercises to strengthen your core, shoulders and legs to empower your swing and follow through. Clinic meets on Saturday, April 9 @ 9:30AM $25. Register at ashburnvillage.org or email mmorton@ashburnvillage.org.
Learn Pickleball
Interested in learning how to play the fast growing game of Pickleball? Have you never played, or only played a few times, and need to get your skills up just a bit?
Join us on Sunday mornings from 8am-10am in the Sports Pavilion gym. Paddles and balls will be provided.
(More experienced players are reminded that the Pavilion offers pickleball in the gym on Monday night from 6pm-8pm, and Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 10am-12n)