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Weekly Updates

Friday Updates and Information - March 11, 2022
Posted on March 11, 2022 4:00 PM by AVCA Management
COMING SOON! Within the next few weeks, tennis courts at The Lakes, The Woods, and The Mills will be able to be reserved for FREE up to 7 days in advance by Ashburn Village Residents only. Court 1 at all locations will be available first come first serve. Reservations may only be made online using the online platform here. If you don’t have a login, please email avsp@ashburnvillage.org for assistance. If you are playing and someone arrives who has a reservation, we ask that you please vacate the court. When reserving the court, please save your emailed confirmation as proof which can be shown in the case of residents playing on the court. 
WELCOME, VERN! The AVCA is excited to announce, we've welcomed our new Resident Services Manager, Vernon James! Here's a note from him, "Professionally I’ve been at the Reston Association (master HOA) for the last eight and a half years, most of that time spent in Covenants. I’ve achieved a couple of the CAI certifications and I’ll be going for my CMCA shortly.
Personally, I’m a novelist, mostly writing comedy. I also enjoy taking out my Rad City electric bike and exploring the trails in our area."
Virtual Events Committee Meeting - Monday, March 14, 2022, 5 pm
Virtual Finance Committee Meeting - Thursday, March 17, 2022, 6:30 pm
Virtual Board of Directors Meeting - Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 6 pm
Installed volleyball nets for the season
Finished final repair to the culvert on Gloucester
Repaired dog station at Fincastle field
Installed fans in the cardio room at the pavilion
Assembled light poles at the shop
Repaired lights throughout 
Yard waste collection started again on March 7th
Yard waste is picked up on Mondays
Do bag up or bundle your yard waste
Do use either compostable paper bags or a toter (labeled as YARD DEBRIS ONLY)
Don't put yard waste into plastic bags
Don't throw yard waste into the woods or over your fence
Don't throw yard waste onto Common Areas
Register HERE for the Ashburn Village Spring Fling on April 2nd. The event is free for Ashburn Village Residents - registration is REQUIRED by March 28th. For more information on the event visit ashburnvillage.org/events 
Ashburn Village Spring Yard sale and Declutter event on Saturday, April 30th, register here to have your house listed on the map. 
Calling all Runners! Registration is now open for the Ashburn Village Fiesta 5K/10K! All proceeds benefit Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter. REGISTER HERE before prices increase on April 1st.
Starting in March we will have spots available for our Aftercare Program. Child care is Monday-Friday from 2:45-6 pm with bus transportation from Ashburn, Dominion Trail, and Discovery Elementary. Snack will be provided to the kids daily, homework help, Arts and Crafts, gym games, and outside play. If you’re interested in enrolling or have questions regarding the program please Contact Youth Program Director, Erin May at emay@ashburnvillage.org 
Looking for a Summer Camp for your children? You’re in luck! Rise Camp enrollment is NOW open for Village Residents. All information can be found HERE on the Ashburn Village website. How to enroll for Camp? Please email Youth Program Director, Erin May at emay@ashburnvillage.org and you will set up an appointment to go over all paperwork before enrolling.
The Board of Directors raised the age limit of dependent children that are included in an owner's membership to under 26. Previously a child aged out of membership at age 24. Once the dependent child reaches the age of 26, an additional adult membership is available for purchase.
Adult children will be asked to show proof of residency.
If you have any questions about the status of your membership or would like to be reinstated, please contact the Member Services Coordinator at the AVCA office or email avca@ashurnvillage.org.
We have installed new fans on the walls in the cardio area to help with the airflow.
Did you know? Arch Amenities Group, AVSP’s management company, offers a yearly $1,000 scholarship to a graduating BRHS male and female each year. For details please visit the BRHS guidance office. 
Boot Camp with Katie Myers - New session starts 3/7 to 3/30
Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7 PM - $100
Drop-ins Welcome!
Push your physical limits this month with Katie's intense and muscle-building interval boot camp. Mixing strength training, cardio, bodyweight exercises, and calisthenics - every fitness level are encouraged to come! Register at ashburnvillage.org or call the front desk!
Spring Break Camp 2022
Monday-Friday from 8 am-6 pm April 11th-15th
Ages 5-12 years old
Camp Fees: Member $50 for first child $45 for siblings per day
*20% off if you sign up for ALL 5 days
Registration is open for the 2022 season for Aqua Jets. Aqua Jets is the summer swim team of Ashburn Village that runs from May 31-July 29. The program is designed to develop a love for the sport of swimming and instruct on proper stroke skills, teamwork, and learn the principles of good sportsmanship. You can find out more and register online at www.avaquajets.com or contact Kristina Hart at khart@ashburnvillage.org.
Learn Pickleball
Interested in learning how to play the fast growing game of Pickleball? Have you never played, or only played a few times, and need to get your skills up just a bit?
Join us on Sunday mornings from 8am-10am in the Sports Pavilion gym. Paddles and balls will be provided.
(More experienced players are reminded that the Pavilion offers pickleball in the gym on Monday night from 6pm-8pm, and Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 10am-12n)
Attention residents: Did you have a great interaction with an AVCA staff member who demonstrated superior customer service? We would love to feature your comments in our new "Friday Shout Outs" section. Email us at avca@ashburnvillage.org.
Here is one received this week for our Accounting Department:
"Shout out to Sarah who helped me with my account set up and HOA payment setup. She was very thorough with her explanation and quick to respond. Thanks, Sarah!"
-Gail, Rainsboro Dr