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Weekly Updates

Friday Updates and Information - October 29, 2021
Posted on October 29, 2021 4:00 PM by AVCA Management
Board Officer Selection
The Board of Directors officers for the 2021-2022 term were selected at Tuesday night's monthly Board meeting and are listed below.
Jason Mello - Director/President
Avirat Kanhere - Director/Vice President
Robert Crossett - Director/Treasurer
Anita Tierney - Director/Secretary
Terry Brickerd - Director
Mike Littman - Director
Mahil Santram - Director
Special Meeting to Approve Budget
A special Board Meeting will be held on Nov 4, 2021 to discuss and approve the budget. Please see the calendar at ashburnvillage.org for more information.
  • November 4 - Special Board Meeting - Budget
  • November 4 - AERC (applications due by 4 PM on Friday, 10/29)
  • November 9 - Racquet Sports Committee
For the full calendar of Ashburn Village events, see our online calendar.
  • Planted grasses at lakes to hide electrical boxes
  • Put away pool canopies at Lakes Recreation Center
  • Fixed lights inside of bubble from power outage
  • Winterized pools
  • Removed broken light pole on Grottoes
  • Assembled all new pickleball nets at Woods Recreation Center
  • Finished bubble setup – nets – divider nets – benches – exit signs – cleaned grate
  • Covered graffiti in Tippecanoe tunnel
  • Installed ten 13’ light poles
1st place:
20811 Shy Beaver Ct
Candy Corn Way
2nd place:
44104 Rising Sun Ter.
Pirates of Ashburn Lake
3rd place:
44030 Cheltenham Cir.
Calderon Manor
Trick or Treating
Halloween is Sunday! And Trick-or-Treating is back!
If you'll be handing out candy, turn on your porch light at 6:30 PM to illuminate your decorations and let the Trick-or-Treaters know they're welcome. If Halloween isn't your type of holiday, and you don't want your door bell ringing, we suggest keeping your front porch lights off for the evening. It makes it easier for the kids to know what house is expecting that door bell to ring. Parents please direct your kids to avoid any house that is not lit.

Be courteous of your neighbors, if the light is out, don't ring the bell and stop ringing by 9 pm. Then go home and enjoy the spoils of Halloween!
  • Congratulations to this year's Halloween House Decorating Contest winners! You can view the winners HERE as well as the other submissions. 
  • Fiesta 5K/10K charity input needed! Please click HERE to take a quick survey to vote on this years recipient. 
  • We are looking for community members to join our Events Committee. The committee meets monthly via zoom to discuss upcoming events, make suggestions and share ideas. In order for our events to be successful we need your input! For more information or to join please email gterrio@ashburnvillage.org.  
  • SAVE THE DATE: Santa is coming to town on Saturday, 12/4. While you wait for Santa to arrive on the fire truck, bundle up your family for photos with Mrs. Clause, her sleigh and a reindeer! Stay tuned for more info.
Visit ashburnvillage.org/events for more info on our fun upcoming community events.
Ashburn Village is a diverse community and all residents should be able to enjoy the amenities. Let's treat each of our neighbors with kindness, civility and courtesy. Treat your neighbors as you would want to be treated. While using the sports pavilion, take a moment to remember these rules from the membership manual:
  • Profanity, fighting or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
  • Please do not disrupt other members with loud music, phone and or video calls which are not permitted in workout areas.
  • Importantly, If you have any concerns with usage of the facilities, please notify a staff member of the sports pavilion immediately.
  • The Sauna and steam room are now working
  • The Tennis bubble is now open for rentals! For info on how to reserve courts please click HERE.  
  • LCPS NO SCHOOL CAMPS October 29th, November 1st, 2nd, and 4th from 8am-6pm
    • $50 per day for one child; Sibling $45, if you sign up for ALL 4 days you will receive 25% off  
    • Camp includes: Gym Games, Outside Play (pending weather) Art and Crafts, Afternoon Free Swim, two snacks and Movie to finish off the day
    • To Register or want more information: please contact Youth Program Director, Erin May at emay@ashburnvillage.org
  • November Boot Camp with Katie are running, 11/1-11/22 from 6-7pm
    • Monday only $60
    • Thursday only $45
    • Monday and Thursday $88